Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Feeling Happy

Hello lovely readers... how are we all? I am good, feeling positive. Food wise I am doing well and am finding it quite easy to stick to my new way of eating, all healthy, all filling, all natural and all Mediterranean style. I have to say I do love not counting calories any more. I love the fact that I can enjoy my food rather than counting everything before I eat it, I still look at labels but on the whole I don't really have the need to look at packets as most things I eat are natural so don't come with labels!! We have always eaten quite well and don't really eat processed food but now I am making sure that all my meals are healthy and have lots of natural produce in it.

Exercise wise everything is going really well, I am doing my weights every day and am already seeing an improvement, there are moves that when I first started I struggled with and now I am finding them easier, don't get me wrong they are still hard but I am noticing that I can do them better and easier. 

Off to Spain at the weekend which I am mega happy about, can't wait .... and know it will give me motivation to keep on going. Now that my weight is back up to 191lbs I am really motivated to see that go and get back down to 182lbs... actually quite confident that I will do it. I think with the loss of 9lbs and my continued weights I might actually get to a point where I feel good in my body. 

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Disaster on a Scale

This is actually really hard for me to write... I was contemplating on not saying anything but then that's not being honest and I the only person I would really be fooling would be myself... so....

I have 2 scales at home… one a very fancy and digital scale from weight watchers….and my other trusty ‘old school’ scales. The digital ones have always seemingly added about 7lbs/8lbs to my weight but when I get on other scales it never matches my old scales or does it match the fancy scales so I have always just had faith in the scales I have always used. In my mind I think it doesn't really matter what scales you use as long as you use the same scale and they accurately record any loss or gains. However I had to go to doctors the other day and their scales added half a stone to my weight….which made me think….

This morning I had the great idea of getting my new 5kg kettlebell and putting it on both scales to see which one is right and which is wrong and of course my trusty old scales are wrong….the digital ones are right…. the old scales are showing my 5kg weight at 4kg and about 7lbs and the digital scales are showing 5kg and 11lbs... all bang on.. I don't get how my old scales are showing such a weird weight...but I have given up with them and will be putting them away! 

So hello an extra 9lbs over night….the scales this morning showed me a horrible 191lbs - due to this weeks horrendous eating the old scales were showing a gain of about 2/3bs in the 1st place - So a huge 9lbs gain and 9lbs away from my original goal weight of 182lbs... 

Now if I am totally honest it doesn't totally surprise me. When I first started going out with the MAN I was 182lbs and although my old scales said that I was that again I never truly felt it and didn't feel 182lbs...so maybe this is a blessing in disguise and just the push I need to stay focused. I will be sticking to what I am doing at the moment exercise wise and like I said yesterday will be really focusing on my diet... but it's back to trying to get down to 182lbs again... 

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

It's All In The Diet

Morning lovely people. It is a glorious day here, the sun is shinning, the birds are singing... it puts me in such a  good mood... I truly LOVE the sun! 

So far this week things have been going well apart from one area... my diet... my food at the moment is 100% bad and I am holding my hands up to it... as well as the extra lbs showing on the scale. As mush as I would like to say it's not my fault it obviously is as I am the one that puts the food in my body... however.... I am in a bit of a corner at the moment. We are at the end of the month and funds are beyond limited, we are eating up what we have got in the freezer and the cupboards... all the veg went ages ago.. even the frozen veg and now we are down to carbs, carbs and more carbs.... last night I had a plate of pasta with cheese grated on top... not good, not good for a diet at all and not good for your body in general and boy can I feel it.

The good thing is I am craving to get back to eating healthily and on Friday it is payday which means the MAN and I are doing a nice big shop on Saturday morning. Can't wait. 

Although I am no longer counting calories - which I am loving - I do still want to have some sort of plan so I don't go too much off route. My plan will involve a fresh natural smoothie every morning for breakfast after my workout, it will be packed with veg, fruit and almond milk...I will make sure I have plenty of protein which I think I am severely lacking at the moment.Obviously I have started using all these weights but have actually decreased my protein and so feel like my body isn't getting the nutrients it needs to recover and get stronger. This week although I have been powering through the workouts I have been feeling tired when doing it and feel like I am weaker than when I first started doing the routines last week. I also want to eliminate carbs from dinner apart from on weekends and then it's only if we are having a special meal or treating ourselves. 

So the plan will basically be Smoothie for breakfast full of fresh healthy produce, high protein for lunch and carb free dinners. Quite a simple plan but it's all healthy and will set me up for success. 


Monday, February 24, 2014

New Week

Hi! How was everybody's weekend? Mine was good, I was healthy-ish but saw a friend in London on Saturday night and about 3 bottles of white wine got involved, then Sunday was a recovery day and I ate more carbs due to hangover than I would have liked! oops! However this week is a dry week (no wine) and I am really going to ensure that everyday is a healthy day with nothing I can regret later, last week I had too many treats. 

Saturday the MAN took me shopping though which I was so pleased about as my wardrobe now has some lovely new clothes in it that make me feel good. I got a few tops, jumpers and cardigans as well as some new jeans which I love, all the clothes are bright and pastel colors so defo getting me in the mood for Spring! Everything apart from the jeans are from Primarni so it doesn't matter if in a few months they are too big for me. I also spent some time sorting out my wardrobe and got rid of all the clothes that make me feel rubbish as well as moving clothes from weekend wear to work clothes. We have quite  a relaxed work environment so I sometimes end up wearing my home clothe sin work, I don't really like doing this as then on a Saturday I feel like I'm going into work! Not a good feel! 

Also on Saturday morning I did my all over body workouts. I did two of them and to be honest was in quite a bit of pain by the end which is great! I am still loving doing the workouts - they really push me - keep me motivated and to be quite honest I really enjoy the fact that I can do it from home! 

I got on the scales today and still staying at exactly 182lbs... it looks like my dream of getting down to 161lbs might be quite far away. I don't know why my body is refusing to lose any more weight, but I am focusing on just keeping healthy, eating well and concentrating on toning up and I am sure my weight will reduce. Although it is important for me to lose weight after having lost so much weight already I am not beating myself up about it, if in 3 months time I am the same weight but everything is toned and firm then to be honest I won't be too upset about it. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

Friday...AT LAST!

Morning peeps....so glad today is Friday and it's the last day of the working week! I think today fate is in my favor... I woke up late today and missed my morning workout... today was arms and kettlebells, I was really excited as I was going to use my new Kettlebell....So I was annoyed when I woke up this morning at 7.30am instead of 6.15am... but I have just had a delivery of my 4kg dumbbells which means....that tonight I can do my workout with my new dumbbells and my new kettlebells...yay! 

This week foodwise has been not great...I have stopped counting calories which I am still getting used to and have had two treats this week that I shouldn't have had, one was at my mothers house as she had bought a dessert especially for me so felt bad saying no...and then the Man surprised me with a dessert the next day as I had had a bad day. I did say to him that I didn't want a dessert and that he shouldn't buy me unhealthy food....he looked a bit hurt so I ended up having some of that as well - don't you just hate guilt eating -  Also we have drunk quite a bit of wine this week, we went over to France just before Christmas and bought back a few cases...the good thing is that we have now finished the wine so are having to go out and buy it if we want some and the wine is just so much more expensive and so rubbish compared to the cheap wine we got in France so don't think we will be drinking as much wine! I do really want to cut down even though I LOVE wine... it's always my weakness. 

Also having a wardrobe revamp after my workout this evening... at the moment hating my wardrobe and feel like everything is making me look and feel frumpy so I am going to go through my wardrobe and really sort it out..giveaway the clothes I don't want and take a small shopping trip at the weekend...-#Shopping - I think it's so important to make sure you always feel your best especially when losing weight. For me it keeps me more on the straight and narrow, the trouble is with a  changing body it's hard to keep your wardrobe up todate...I have jeans that I bought 3 or 4 months ago, were nice and tight and now make me feel quite frumpy as they feel quite big on me -I can almost pull them down without undoing the buttons or zips - so to save money on a ever changing wardrobe I end up shopping in cheap shops like Primark & Matalan...and the clothes only last a few months anyway and some lose their shape pretty quickly or look cheap after a few washes....the thing that drives me the most to get down to my ideal weight and shape is the thought that I can buy quality clothes that will last for a long time..  

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Wednesday Delivery

Hi peeps! Hope all is well. I am feeling truly great today. This morning I completed my Abs workout routine and then followed it with the Kettlebell workout....I am so sore now! I am really feeling it in my legs which is great as that is an area I REALLY want to work on! Have been feeling really positive today as well and feel like I am really going to see results with these workouts and see my body change... almost want to wish away the next four weeks just so I can see the results now! hehehe...but we all know results will only come with hard work so I better keep at the workouts! See the videos below for today's workout plan... 

Yesterday my weighted skipping rope arrived which I am really excited about and am looking forward to using it tomorrow although I am a little nervous! Also need to figure out where I am going to do it as I live in a apartment and don't have high ceilings so a) the floor might collapse and b) I don't have enough space to do it inside...there is a space right outside I can do it but don't want to disturb anyone at 7am with the noise of the skipping rope! Anyway.... today I also had another delivery of my 2 Kettlebell's ...I am super excited about these...one is 5kg and the other is 10kg - annoyingly my next kettlebell workout isn't scheduled until Friday so I have to wait until I can use them! I will start using the 5kg (11lbs) weight straight away but the 10kg (22lbs) I don't see myself using for quite awhile as man is it HEAVY! The thing that shocked me with the 10kg dumbell is that I have lost double the weight of that, it is crazy as I can not imagine carrying around all that extra weight every day...!! 

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Tone Up Tuesday

Morning! How is everyone today? I am feeling good, had a great start, then a small crumble but am feeling better now! 

Yesterday's workout was great... did it yesterday evening when I got home and it really showed me a) how weak I am and b) how much of my body I don't actually use...even with running! Needless to say I am in pain this morning! 

Pleased to say that I got up nice and early and did my Tuesday workout, Tuesday's and Friday's are arm days... it was really good this morning but I discovered I need to get some heavier weights... the weights I have, I bought about 2 years ago and are 1kg... although I still felt it today I know I should have much heavier weights..so this morning I ordered a set of 4kg weights and they should be with me in the next few days. 

Now normally on a Tuesday I will also do 20mins of skipping but at the moment I don't have a skipping rope (again on order and should be with me in the next few days) so I did both the videos twice to make up for the lack of skipping. 

I was feeling great after my morning workout and am really positive that once I have some heavier weights I will really see the difference adding weights will make to my body. After a quick shower it was time to get dressed for the day - if only we could wear sports gear to work!- and this is where I had my crumble, since losing weight I have taken much greater care of my appearance and have found a real love for clothes, the trouble is that my wardrobe (read finances) can't keep up with my growing love and I am slowly having to transform my wardrobe - at the moment it's still in the starting phase so quite often I look at my wardrobe and just have a little moment as I hate everything that's in there. The clothes that are there aren't a reflection of me anymore so I don't want to wear them and feel uncomfortable in them. However my other problem is that I don't want to buy lots of clothes and then them not fit anymore because they get too big...which is a problem I have had in the past.. the Man does try and understand but realistically he doesn't get it. However he has said he will treat me to a quick trip down to good old Primarni (Primark)  just to get a few things.... Primark obviously isn't my shop of choice but it's good for a wardrobe that changes alot like mine does! 

Err.....LOVE it!